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​Bexşên diravî rê dide me ku em xebata xwe bi kesên herî hewcedar re, li Peterborough û Cambridgeshire, bidomînin. Em bi penaber, penaxwaz û kesên din ên ku zehmetiyan dikişînin re dixebitin, ev dibe ku ji ber tenduristiya nexweş, dahata kêm, revîna ji şîdeta nav malê an jî gelek sedemên din. 

Ya ku bexşîna we dikare bi dest bixe -

£5     _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-1381905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-5mpoottlesstruk

£10   Dikaribû ji zarokek di nav xizaniyê de jiyaye diyariyek sersalê bikire

£ 15   Dikare ji bo kesek ku ji bo kirîna xwarinê têkoşînê dide pakêtek xwarinê ya piçûk bide

£20    Dikare ji bo dersên Îngilîzî du Ferhengên Îngilîzî yên Oxfordê bikire

£50  Dikare 3 saetan piştgirîya yek bi yek piştgirî bike


Here are some helpful resources if you are struggling with low income. 

Benefits Calculator 1 (Hyde Housing)

Benefits Calculator 2 (Turn2Us)

Cost of Living Help Guide

Money Budgeting Tool

Debt Advice in Peterborough


Outside Links - 0800 587 7745

Bradfield House, Westgate, Peterborough, PE1 2SY

Garden House - support & limited beds


Hope into Action - Supported accommodation (none Emergency)

Shelter - Homelessness advice & emergencies

Report yourself Homeless Online - (Peterborough City Council)


MIND - Click link or Call 0300 303 4363

NHS Mental health support


Samaritans - Click link or call them on 116 123

H.E.L.P Mental health programme - self refer, call 01733 735563


Aspire - Click link or Call 01733 895624 or 0800 111 4354 

for help with drugs or alcohol problems

Quit Smoking  - Click link or call them on 0333 005 0093

Gambling Care - Click link or call 0808 8020 133 


Police -

Click the link or call 101 to report criminal behaviour in non-emergency

If crime is taking place / someone is in immediate danger, call 999


Click here to report a Hate Crime

Medical/ NHS

Call 999 in medical emergencies

Call 111 for medical advice or if you are not sure if urgent

Urgent Care Walk-in Clinic

Address: City Hospital, Peterborough PE3 9GZ
Phone: 01
733 678000

Dental Emergency 

5 Midgate, Peterborough PE1 1TN


Clinic 5 Treatment Centre, Hinchingbrooke Hospital, Huntingdon PE29 6NT

 0300 555 6667


Registering with GP - Click the link to find your nearest doctor's surgery

Find Schools - Click link or email on

Welcome Guide for Refugees

Work for Refugees



Occupational Therapy

Benefits of Gardening

Disabled Gardening Tips

© 2022 ji hêla HELP ve

01733 735563

​Me bibînin: 

27a Broadway, Peterborough, PE1 1SQ

Hejmara Xêrxwaziya Qeydkirî:


Online Centre Number : 8009733

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