Iată câțiva dintre sponsorii noștri, finanțatorii de granturi, donatorii și alte organizații alături de care lucrăm în beneficiul oamenilor pe care îi ajutăm. Îi apreciem pe toți și lucrând împreună cu alții, putem obține mai mult.
Our classes are funded for Ukrainian refugees predominantly, but we hope to run wider
classes open to all in the near future.
To register for classes you can contact Anna on
learn@helpcharity.org.uk or call us on 01733 735563

Angela - "I especially want to note the English lessons, the friendly atmosphere and new knowledge. Thanks a lot."
Lesya - "English courses are actually the best I've ever met. This is really an A* teacher. Explains everything very clear and easy."
"It was the most useful course. Everything is clear and to the point."
Maryana - "I visited English lessons from this organisation. I really excited, because I see progress. Thanks a lot to my teacher."
Ira - "Many thanks to the centre for their care, humanity, and help. Language plays an important role in adaptation."