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HELP  2nd Year Anniversary

We celebrated the second year since opening our premises in Peterborough city centre. Our trustees and staff team came together to share an Iftari meal towards the end of Ramadan, on the 4th April our day of first opening. 

HELP  for Easter Holiday Fun

Thanks to funding from PCVS & ICS, we have been able to offer several day trips for people on low incomes. This was our 3rd trip this year. We went to Laser Force in Peterborough, with a group of 23 kids and their carers for 2 hours of fun and exercise!

HELP  for Half-Term Holidays

We have been providing free sessions for the school Half-Term holidays this February, with two arts & crafts sessions for young people and a special Occupational Therapy session providing advice for parents of children with sensory struggles. 

HELP  from local businesses

Thank you to Buster & Punch, whose staff collected together lots of gifts for children and toiletries for those who are struggling. Also thanks to volunteers from Sodexo and Pure Table Top who came to wrap gifts for children. 

HELP  with visiting London

A group of our service users enjoyed a trip to London with us, thanks to funding from PCVS & CPICS. We travelled by train, to see Big Ben, the London Eye, Natural History Museum, Science Museum and had a picnic in Hyde Park. Some of the group had their first experience of travelling by train.

HELP  at Football sessions

Our team are running weekly football sessions for refugees and asylum seekers in Peterborough through-out April. Kindly funded by Living Sport and assisted by Netherton Football Club.

HELP  at refugee accommodation

Our Outreach manager and volunteers visited a local hotel housing refugee families and delivered a fun Easter holiday session with the kids. We made bracelets, painted, played parachute games, tennis and pavement chalks. 

HELP  for Refugee Employment

On 20th February, we joined together with the Red Cross to put on a jobs fair at the Quaker house in Peterborough. Lots of people came along to speak with the employers present and it was a successful day, thanks to all who attended! 


Click to read article by EELGA

HELP  from local businesses

A big thanks to Institute of Export & International Trade who donated us 7 bikes for those in need, from their end of year conference. Also thanks to A&I group who organised the logistics and The Bikes College who checked the bikes and delivered to us. 

HELP  with visiting beach

A group of our service users enjoyed a trip to Hunstanton with us, thanks to funding from PCVS & CPICS. We borrowed a minibus to go to the seaside for the day, swimming, building sandcastles, eating fish & chips, and even a fairground ride. None of the service users had been to the beach in England before.

HELP  with Coronation parade

Our lovely sewing tutor Fatima and the ladies in the sewing group at HELP, joined together to create a 25m long flag for the King's Coronation, at the request of the City Council.

HELP  at Eid-Al-Fitr 

Our team went along to Eid in the Park, at Central park in Peterborough. We had a lovely time celebrating with the Muslim community and sharing picnics. 

HELP  celebrate our 1st Birthday  

Our team and service users celebrated our 1st Anniversary of opening the charity at the beginning of April. We received lovely cakes, flowers, balloons and artwork from our Ukrainian friends and had Peterborough Citizens and MP Paul Bristow with us to share the cakes. 

HELP  visit from Health Minister

We had a lovely visit from the Shadow Health Minister, the local Labour candidate and the Mayoress of Peterborough. We discussed our mental health support programme and how it has been helping people heal. 

HELP  with Ramadan 

Our team delivered dates to asylum/sanctuary seekers housed in temporary accommodation in Peterborough, to help them to observe ramadan if they wished. 

HELP  with Empowering Women 

Our team hosted a successful event for International Women's Day on the 8th March at the Peterborough Town Hall. We had speakers, a dancer, stalls, henna, face painting, photo booth, goodie bags, cakes and hot food. 

HELP  with fundraising at LUSH 

Our founders spent the weekend with the team at LUSH Peterborough, raising awareness of our charity and vital funds to support our work. We handed out sweets and stickers to kids and had some great conversations with customers.

HELP  with Ukraine Vigil 

Our team helped organise, marshall and run the vigil for the one year anniversary of war in Ukraine. We brought along a 25m flag produced by our sewing group and handed out LED candles. We worked alongside Peterborough Council, Peterborough Cathedral and St. Olga's Church for the vigil, which saw hundreds of people come together in solidarity. 

HELP  Half-Term Sports 

We had lots of kids come along and enjoy our sports session at the Focus Centre. We had parachute games, tug-of-war, musical chairs, archery, football, boxing, tennis, frisbee, space hoppers, a scooter board, crafts and refreshments. 

HELP  Campaigning for Citizens 

Several of our team went to Peterborough Citizens Member's Assembly, to report on the listening done at H.E.L.P. We listened to the issues people are facing in the city and voted on the priorities for this year's campaigns.

HELP for student trip to UK

group of German college students who were visiting the UK on an educational trip, asked if they could come to see us and learn about the issues refugees face in integration and belonging within the UK. Our founders were happy to welcome them to our offices and deliver an educational discussion. 

HELP from U.S Forces 

We had lots of help from volunteers working for the US Air forces in Cambridgeshire. They have helped to assemble furniture for Ukrainians, wrap christmas gifts for children and also brought donated toys for the Christmas gift giving. Anna helped us at the Christmas party and also brought along some lovely cards and pictures from the children on the base, for refugee children. 

HELP from Santa for our Party

It was great to have Santa come to our Christmas party and give out gifts, we also had help from a talented face painting volunteer and DJ Stef. There was lots of food and bouncy castle fun. Thanks also to the beauty queens, snowman and the Mayor. Anna ran a great badge making activity too!

HELP from local businesses for Xmas

Lots of local businesses donated to our Christmas party. We had a whopping 120 mince pies donated by Tesco, lots of lovely cakes and cookies baked for us by 'Cakes for Kids' and lots of gifts donated by Dunelm customers. We also had another generous company who sponsored the other costs of the party but wished to stay anonymous.

HELP for Christmas treats

During December we handed out christmas treats and gifts to families and individuals who are struggling and need a little help with Christmas joy. Thanks to Kingsgate who donated these treats. 

HELP for Homes4Ukraine Hosts

We have held a series of support and information events for sponsors/hosts on the Homes for Ukraine scheme. We provide time for sharing experiences, Q&As, information on moving on after hosting and any other advice needed. 

HELP for Christmas wrapping

It was a pleasure to have these young lads from the

Princes Trust, come to wrap Christmas gifts for children in

need this festive season. They also decorated our tree for us!

HELP for empowering citizens

We joined Peterborough Citizens in their founding assembly, to celebrate joining the movement and working together with all the members to help the citizens of Peterborough see changes they want to see in the city.

HELP for half-term fun

We held a Halloween party for kids, with face painting, costumes to dress up in, party food, craft activities and party bags to take home. Lots of kids came and enjoyed themselves.

HELP for Homeless refugee

We had a request for help, from a man who fallen on difficult times. He needed support with a sleeping bag and tent to make him more comfortable as he was not eligible for council help.

HELP for men without shoes

One of our staff noticed that there were lots of refugee men housed in temporary accommodation who were walking around in flip flops and without coats. We ran an appeal and collected together over 90 pairs of trainers & boots, as well as coats, socks, scarves and jumpers.

HELP for ladies learning sewing

Due to popular demand, we started running sewing group twice a week, for ladies to come and socialise, learn new skills and enjoy a new hobby. We have 8 ladies regularly attend.

HELP at Salaam Radio Station

Three H.E.L.P co-founders were asked to join Ansar Ali on his Friday Radio programme with Salaam Radio. We enjoyed speaking with Ansar and letting the listeners know about our work in the city and wider county.

HELP with Uniform for refugee

We were asked for help with school uniform. She had asked the school for help, but was told to buy all new as there was no assistance for second-hand items. With only 1 supplier of the uniform, she had no alternative for more affordable options. We stepped in to help with the required school logo jumper, tie & P.E uniform to ease the cost.

HELP  at Millfield Festival (August 2022)

We attended Millfield community festival, to join the fun with our community running an activity decorating wooden musical instruments. Lots of people enjoyed painting whistles, bells and xylaphones. We also joined in a game of

tug-of-war and enjoyed the music and carnival. It was great to see lots of familiar faces and meet new people too. 


HELP  recent work (July 2022)

  • We provided a laptop for school work, to a family with 4 kids, who lost all their belongings in a house fire, with the help of Huntingdon District Council.

  • We have provided many food parcels to individuals and families struggling to afford living costs.

  • A bike helmet given to a young Ukrainian man who had a bike already but needed safety gear.

  • Sunglasses given to an asylum seeking man who had eye problems after being hit by a car. 

  • We provided a pushchair with rain-cover to a refugee family in Cambridge, through our friends CRRC (Cambridge Refugee Resettlement Campaign).

  • A duvet was given to a recently housed homeless lady.

  • A child's bike given to a 5 year old and 8 year old refugee girls.

  • A sleeping bag and hiking rucksack to a Ukrainian school boy going on school activity camp.


HELP requested for men in hotel 

We were asked for assistance for some men housed in a dispersal hotel. We provided t-shirts, trousers, jumpers and some shoes which we had in the correct sizes.

HELP  with a bike (July 2022)

We were asked by one of our Ukrainian friends for help sourcing a bike to get around the city. We were able to help her to get from A to B more easily.

HELP sărbătorind Săptămâna Refugiaților

În cadrul Săptămânii Refugiaților 2022, am împărțit refugiaților și familiilor lor pungi cu tematică de wellness. Avem, de asemenea, o gamă largă de cărți cu tematică de vindecare și wellness și cărți legate de refugiați pe care oamenii să le poată accesa în centrul nostru.

AJUTOR la învățarea limbii engleze  (iunie 2022)

Avem două grupuri de studenți ucraineni care urmează cursurile de engleză pentru începători cu noi de două ori pe săptămână. Cursurile au început în prima săptămână din iunie și vor dura 6 săptămâni. 

AJUTOR cu noul copil (iunie 2022)

Am fost informați despre o familie de refugiați care avea nevoie de ajutor

să-și permită un cărucior dublu pentru noul lor membru al familiei. Noi

au putut să le obțină acest sistem pentru a-i ajuta să se deplaseze.

AJUTOR la stabilirea (mai 2022)

Aceste biciclete au mers la o familie ucraineană proaspăt sosită, pentru a le ajuta să poată ieși și să se bucure de noul lor oraș natal, Cambridge. Mulțumită unei donații a unei biciclete pentru băieți și a voluntarului amabil care a reparat bicicleta pentru adulți. 

AJUTOR cu mobilitate (mai 2022)

Acest scuter de mobilitate, care ne-a fost donat cu amabilitate, a fost dăruit unei doamne care se chinuia să ajungă la magazine pentru articolele esențiale săptămânale. Acest lucru ar trebui să însemne că acum poate avea o independență sporită și poate face viața mai puțin o luptă.

AJUTOR la evenimente locale (mai 2022)

Am participat recent la festivalul Eid in the Park și Peterborough Celebrates, pentru a răspândi vestea despre serviciile noastre de ajutor gratuite. Atât evenimentele locale minunate, cât și mulți copii s-au bucurat de baloane și plusuri!

HELP  pentru Ucraina (martie 2022)

Recent, am livrat o mulțime de paltoane calde, pulovere, pantofi de iarnă, eșarfe, pălării, scutece, bandaje și câteva alimente pentru copii, unei colecții a „Stand with Ukraine Against War”, o organizație locală care trimite ajutoare la granița poloneză și în Ucraina.

AJUTOR cu echipament   (ian 2022)

Am fost contactați de o familie care solicita azil, cu un băiat care avea nevoie de un scaun cu rotile. Am putut să-l găsim pe acesta, să-l ajutăm să iasă cu familia lui.

AJUTOR din partea administratorilor noștri 

Administratorii noștri joacă un rol activ în sprijinirea organizației de caritate. Ahmed și fiul său ne-au ajutat săptămâna aceasta, deservind una dintre bicicletele noastre donate.

AJUTOR cu transport  (iunie 2022)

Acest domn a fost trimis la noi de Care4Calais, care a întrebat dacă putem ajuta un solicitant de azil cu o bicicletă să se deplaseze. Voluntarul nostru a întreținut această bicicletă și am dat-o și cu lacăt.

AJUTOR cu hobby-uri  (mai 2022)

Ni s-a trimis un adolescent refugiat care visa să învețe să cânte corect la chitară, dar nu își permitea și nu are familie în preajmă. Am reușit să-i găsim această chitară cu o carcasă și o carte pentru începători pentru a-l ajuta să învețe. 

AJUTĂ la împărțirea alimentelor gratuite

Colectăm surplusul de alimente din supermarketuri și Greggs etc, pentru a le distribui persoanelor care le pot folosi. De obicei, este oferit unui amestec de familii, indivizi fără adăpost și celor care se luptă să își permită mâncarea.

AJUTOR cu îmbrăcăminte și multe altele 

Avem mulți oameni care vin au nevoie de haine, paltoane, articole de toaletă, pantofi sau jucării pentru copiii lor. De asemenea, ținem niște uniforme școlare și scutece.

AJUTOR cu alimente  parcels

Am livrat un pachet de mâncare unei doamne care se luptă financiar și cu mobilitatea ei. Am distribuit în jur de 5 pachete de alimente pe săptămână, cu cererea în creștere.

HELP  pentru adolescent solicitant de azil (aprilie 2022)

Am avut o cerere pentru o bicicletă pentru un adolescent neînsoțit care solicită azil, astfel încât să poată ajunge la facultate la 40 de minute. Am putut să transmitem această bicicletă care ne-a fost donată cu amabilitate. I-am dat, de asemenea, un lacăt și lumini pentru a ajuta la siguranță. 

We had a request for a bike for an unaccompanied asylum seeking teenager, so that he could get to college 40 minutes away. We were able to pass on this bike which was kindly donated to us. We also gave him a lock and lights to help with safety.

AJUTOR cu   proiecte mici  

Am furnizat un kit de siguranță pentru biciclete unui mic proiect local de biciclete pentru refugiați din Peterborough, care își propune să învețe tinerii refugiați întreținerea și siguranța bicicletelor. Avem câteva căști, lumini, încuietori pentru biciclete și alte elemente pentru a susține acest proiect grass roots. 

© 2022 de către HELP

01733 735563


27a Broadway, Peterborough, PE1 1SQ

Număr de organizație caritabilă înregistrată:


Online Centre Number : 8009733

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