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HELP  with Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Community Health Research

On the 2nd October we welcomed Peter, an experienced social research interviewer, to our premises, to conduct surveys with local residents , as part of the health research currently being carried out by Sheffield Hallam University on behalf of the Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Councils. The research asked questions related to smoking, alcohol consumption, diet, and physical activity; whether people access different health services, their thoughts about the opportunities and barriers for changing people’s health behaviour in general. They were keen to involve feedback from diverse ethnic groups to get views and experiences.  

HELP  with Open University Study "Place, Community & Connection in the Fens"

We are currently assisting Dan Taylor with his study, commissioned by Open University 'Open Societal Challenges', looking at people's experiences in Peterborough, Wisbech and Boston. He is looking to speak with people to understand their feelings about the places they live and the challenges they face. They will produce a report on their findings to inform work to overcome challenges within the communities and infrastructure. 

To contact Dan, see the information leaflet to take part in the study. Or to read more about it on his website, Click Here

HELP  Family Reunion Study by UCL

We are currently assisting with helping Andrea with her study, looking at the longer-term resettlement of mothers who come to the UK on Family Reunion visas. She is interested in their experiences and day to day lives. If you are a mother, who came to the UK on such a visa, you could help with this work.  

Contact Andrea on to take part in the study.


Click here to read more on her website

HELP  with medical barriers project

One of our founders took part in a research day for a combined project by Anglia Ruskin University, EELGA Strategic Migration Partnership and The Red Cross. Funded by C.P.I.C.S, Researchers in Migration and Development, working for ARU, invited local refugee organisations to help with research on a project to discover the barriers for refugees to take part in medical research. The aim is to try to ensure refugees are better represented in research findings and also benefit from medical professional understanding.

HELP  Project O (Key Theatre)

Our service users got involved in contributing to the show's research, giving their experiences at workshops and in-depth interviews, for use in the show. We had a fundraiser before the show and then charity staff and service users enjoyed being part of the audience. 

HELP  with ARU Media Project

Tom, a media student with ARU approached us to support with producing a film about our work and refugee experiences in the UK. You can watch some of it here.

© 2022 de către HELP

01733 735563


27a Broadway, Peterborough, PE1 1SQ

Număr de organizație caritabilă înregistrată:


Online Centre Number : 8009733

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