Below are the current vacancies we have in our volunteering team. Please contact us with your CV and the application form below, if you think you would be well suited to one of these roles.
Some of the advantages of volunteering for H.E.L.P...
- We are based in the city centre and easy to reach with variety of transport.
- We provide training opportunities.
- We are a small, friendly, inclusive and diverse team.
- We regularly provide work experience placements.
(Please note volunteering is unpaid)
Bike Maintenance Volunteers
We need people who enjoy repairing and servicing bicycles,
to help us with checking over donated bikes & making them ready
for giving out to people in need.
Events Volunteers
We need people who want to help us with setting up for community events, wether that is decorating the space, putting out chairs & tables, performing / entertaining at the event, helping to serve food, face painting etc.
Admin/Office Volunteers
Are you good with computers? Perhaps you enjoy organising, helping people fill in forms, cleaning, greeting people as they enter the hub, etc.
Language / Translation Volunteers
We often need support from people who speak certain languages and can help our service users by translating to English. We currently particularly need:
Eritrean (Tigrinya or Tigre)
Kurdish Sorani
Dari or Pashto
Please contact us about volunteering if you would like to help us in your spare time.
Click here to download and fill out our volunteering form, once you have completed it, please email to us on info@helpcharity.org.uk